dimanche 28 août 2011

0119 Complicité scandaleuse des services sociaux ASE, du conseiller général, du juge des enfants, du préfet.

0119 Complicité scandaleuse des services sociaux ASE, du conseiller général, du juge des enfants, du préfet.

Il arrive trop souvent que des familles d’accueil se montrent négligentes vis-à-vis des enfants que l’ASE et un magistrat ont trouvé bon de placer.
Mais ce 6 novembre 2009, ce n’est pas pour ce motif que les assistantes sociales de l’aide sociale à l’enfance viennent chercher la sœur de 10 ans et le frère de 6 ans, qui étaient placés depuis cinq ans dans la même famille d’accueil.
Non, c’est parce qu’une ordonnance du Juge des Enfants reproche à cette famille d’accueil d’outrepasser son rôle, qu’elles entendent placer les petits dans un foyer de Compiègne.
Mais cette fois la tâche à accomplir ne sera pas si facile car à Gouvieux beaucoup connaissent cette famille et les enfants.
Parce qu’à Gouvieux aussi, le maire est humain, très humain et donc touché par cette affaire.
Ce 6 novembre 2009 donc, Patrice Marchand, le maire UMP de Gouvieux s’interpose : il met son véhicule en travers de la route à 100 mètres en amont du domicile des enfants, sort son écharpe tricolore et en tant que premier magistrat de la commune, donc Officier de police judiciaire et garant du maintient de l’ordre, dit aux agents de l’aide sociale à l’enfance de retourner au Conseil général et de transmettre au Président sa demande d’une expertise indépendante.
Il demande ensuite à la famille de rester chez elle et donc de n’ouvrir à personne.
Bien lui en a pris : le même jour les services sociaux reviennent à midi puis à 17 h en trouvant porte close. Désormais les enfants sont sous la protection du Maire, ainsi que celle de la responsable de l’association de parents d’élèves de l’école du centre, Nora Ferhat et d’une centaine de parents d’élèves de Gouvieux.
Jours et nuits les enfants sont encadrés pour éviter que les services sociaux du département ne viennent les enlever.
Les accès à l’école sont bloqués pour que les agents du conseil général ne puissent pénétrer.
Pendant ce temps, le Maire va interroger les enfants en tant que OPJ (premier magistrat de la commune), et demande à ce que des avocats soient désignés pour les enfants.
Il obtient gain de cause, d’abord pour la sœur de 10 ans puis pour le frère de 6 ans.
Le Préfet menace !!!!!!!!
Yves ROME président du Conseil général de l’Oise, qui avait refusé toute communication avec la mairie de Gouvieux, s’énerve par la voie de la directrice générale adjointe chargée de la « Solidarité » parlant d’une situation « scandaleuse », « surréaliste » et comme à l’habitude de ces gens se justifie par « C’est une décision mûrement réfléchie, appuyée sur des faits précis et des expertises dont on ne peut vous révéler le contenu en vertu du secret professionnel. Et c’est une décision, je le rappelle, qui a été validée par un juge qui, contrairement aux habitants de Gouvieux, a eu accès à tous les éléments du dossier », on connaît la chanson.
Puis la famille d’accueil et les enfants sont convoqués par la juge des enfants à une audience au TGI de Compiègne. Et l’affaire s’arrête là, brutalement, violemment : la juge des enfants confirme son ordonnance de placement et les enfants sont, au sein même du tribunal, séparés de leur famille d’accueil.
Patrice Marchand, le Maire, témoignera de ce qu’on lui a relaté: « Les enfants se sont débattus pendant deux heures, ils hurlaient, ça a été l’horreur. La juge des enfants n’est même pas sortie de son bureau».
Il ne s’agit pas là de prendre fait et cause pour la famille d’accueil, mais de constater la façon dont procèdent les services de l’aide sociale à l’enfance.
L’ASE justifiera ses rapports et la juge des enfants ses décisions par la volonté de permettre le rétablissement des liens entre les enfants et leur mère naturelle.
Il y aurait là de quoi satisfaire les partisans de l’institution familiale que nous sommes.
Oui mais à y regarder de plus près des questions se posent.
En effet le placement des enfants s’imposait-il s’il est question, cinq ans après, de leur permettre de retrouver leur mère ? Et si la mère est lourdement déficiente et a commis de graves maltraitances comme il l’avait été dit, pourquoi opérer ce rapprochement ?
Enfin, séparer les enfants et les mettre en foyer, est-ce là une façon d’opérer ce rapprochement pour comme le disent les services sociaux : " permettre un retour à court terme chez leur mère biologique" ?
La parole de vérité semble bien être plutôt celle du courageux Maire de Gouvieux : « Je n’abandonnerai pas ces enfants. Ce qui s’est passé aujourd’hui était un acte odieux » . Il ajoutera : «Désormais, c’est moi qui vais demander et régler des comptes ».
Et effectivement notre "Maire courage" en demandera.
L’ordonnance sera l’objet d’un appel de la part d’Arnaud Godreuil, l’avocat des enfants.
Le juge d’appel accordera enfin cette expertise indépendante, expertise qui contredira totalement la première et qui dira que l’amour d’une famille d’accueil ne met pas en danger le retour vers la mère naturelle.
Mais, Yves ROME président du Conseil général de l’Oise , qui a vu venir le coup, a retiré l’agrément de la famille d’accueil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pourquoi pas ???
On se demande ce qui peut justifier un tel acharnement contre les enfants ?
Heureusement, le juge d’appel désigne la famille d’accueil comme « tiers de confiance ».
Les enfants sortiront des griffes du foyer, après sept mois d’internements et de tentatives de fugues.

Sept mois pendant lesquels ces enfants ont été abîmés psychologiquement par la façon dont les ont traités des adultes prétendant les protéger.
Les enfants sont donc sauvés et se reconstruisent.
Cette affaire pourrait aussi apparaître comme un rapport de force entre un Maire qui se soucie des enfants et des services sociaux qui se soucient de leur financement.

Tout était parti du Centre Médical Psycho-Pédagogique, dépendant du Conseil Général de l'Oise.
Pour mieux comprendre ce qui pourrait ressembler à un règlement de compte, il faut savoir que Patrice Marchand était Vice Président du Conseil Général il y a 10 ans, déjà à l’époque ses rapports avec le Centre Médico Psycho-Pédagogique de Gouvieux n’étaient pas bons.
En effet il était intervenu pour sortir un gamin de leurs griffes et cela avait sans doute laissé des rancunes chez les “professionnels du social”.

Il semblerait donc que Yves ROME, président du Conseil général de l’Oise , soit disposé à prendre des enfants en otage pour régler des comptes personnels.

Si les enfants sont désormais sauvés, pour Patrice Marchand, beaucoup reste à faire pour protéger des enfants des services de l’ASE.
Il dénonce le fait qu’il soit impossible de connaître le financement des services liés à l’ASE, même par la commission d’accès aux documents administratifs, en effet tout est protégé par la « confidentialité » en affaire sociale.
Au-delà de la dénonciation, Patrice Marchand entend agir pour faire évoluer ce dossier de maltraitance, il pourra compter sur notre soutien.

En effet, l'acte de maltraitance est constitué, de la part de l'ASE, de la juge des enfants, de Yves ROME
Conseil général de l’Oise, du préfet ............. en association ( de malfaiteurs ???).

mercredi 24 août 2011

إزالة معلومات التنبيه باريس: ما زالت لا أخبار من الرضع خطف

إزالة معلومات التنبيه باريس: ما زالت لا أخبار من الرضع خطف

باريس: ما زالت لا أخبار من الرضع خطف
24 أغسطس 2011 لاجازيتيديبوتو

بقلم: بينوا هاس

الصور التي نشرت بإجراءات الشرطة القضائية في باريس لإزالة تنبيه للرضع 24 يوما من العمر الذي اختطف يوم 23 أغسطس 2011 في المنزل وكان والداه، في دائرة العشرين من باريس بالاستفادة من غياب قصيرة من الأم. | وكالة فرانس برس/الشرطة

فتاة صغيرة 3 أسابيع اختطف على يد معروف صباح اليوم الثلاثاء حول 10:30 م، في مبنى اﻻجتماعية من دائرة العشرين من باريس. أن تم استدعاء الأم الحاضنة الذي كان مع أطفالها الثلاثة (الرضيع وشقيقين وشقيقه الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 5 و 7 سنوات) في شقتهم في الطابق الثاني من المبنى على كابﻻت لاسترداد قطعة في الجارديان.

في حين أنها جاءت إلى الأسفل، امرأة أصل أفريقي قرع على باب مكتبة. عند الأطفال قد فتح له، وقالت أنها ضبطت الرضع الذين كانت نائمة في كوفين قبل الفرار. وعهد التحقيق لحماية قصر لواء الشرطة القضائية.

تم استدعاء المحققين إلى الشهود وتحريات واسعة النطاق الأحياء المحيطة بالمبنى حيث جرى الاختطاف. وظلت نهاية المطاف إزالة المختطف والفتاة لا يمكن تعقبها.

"فتاة صغيرة كان بيجاما الناقل من اللون الأخضر والأبيض والاقراط (الكرة الذهبية)،" يشير إلى الشرطة القضائية. مطلوب أي شخص لتقديم معلومات للاتصال بالموظفين باتجاه 24 الشرطة القضائية في باريس ساعة، 7 أيام/7 في أو بواسطة البريد الإلكتروني pppj-drpjparis-contact@interieur.gouv.

פרטי הסרת התראה פריז: עדיין אין חדשות של התינוק נחטף

פרטי הסרת התראה פריז: עדיין אין חדשות של התינוק נחטף

פריז: עדיין אין חדשות של התינוק נחטף
אוגוסט 24, 2011 על-ידי lagazettedeputeaux

מאת: בנואה האסה

התמונות שפורסמו על-ידי הליכים שיפוטי משטרת פריז של הסרת התראה של הפעוט בן 24 ימים שנחטף ב- 23 באוגוסט, 2011 בבית הוריו, הרובע העשרים של פריז על-ידי ניצול העדרות קצרה של האם. | סוכנות הידיעות הצרפתית/משטרה

ילדה קטנה 3 שבועות נחטפה על-ידי לא מוכר שלישי בבוקר בסביבות 10: 30 בערב, במבנה החברתי של הרובע העשרים של פריז. אימא אומנת שהיה עם ילדיה שלוש (התינוק ואת שלו שני אחים ואחות בגיל 5 ו-7 שנים) בדירה שלהם, בקומה השנייה של הבניין נקראו דרך האינטרקום כדי לאחזר חבילה ה גארדיאן.

כאשר הגיע, אישה ממוצא אפריקאי דפק על דלתו. כשיש ילדים הפתוחות בפניו, היא קפצה התינוק מי ישן של couffin לפני הבריחה. החקירה הופקדה להגנה על קטינים של חטיבת המשטרה שיפוטי.

חוקרי נקראו העד, חקירה מקיפה של השכנות סביב הבניין שבו התקיימה חטיפתו. בסופו של יום החוטף ואת הנערה להסיר נשארו ללא עקבות.

"הילדה הקטנה היה המוביל pyjamas של צבע ירוק ולבן, עגילים (כדור הזהב)," מציין המשטרה שיפוטי. כל אדם לספק מידע מתבקש ליצור קשר עם הצוות לכיוון פריז 24 המשטרה שיפוטי שעות, 7 ימים/7 על או על-ידי דואר pppj-drpjparis-contact@interieur.gouv.

Remoção de alerta info Paris: ainda sem notícias do bebê seqüestrado

Remoção de alerta info Paris: ainda sem notícias do bebê seqüestrado

Paris: ainda sem notícias do bebê seqüestrado
24 De agosto de 2011 por lagazettedeputeaux

Por: Benoit Hasse

Foto lançada no processo de polícia judicial de Paris de alerta remoção do menino de 24 dias de idade que foi seqüestrado em 23 de agosto de 2011 na casa de seus pais, no XX arrondissement de Paris, tirando partido de uma breve ausência da mãe. | AFP/polícia

Uma pequena garota 3 semanas foi seqüestrada por um desconhecido terça-feira de manhã em torno de 22:30, em um edifício social do XX arrondissement de Paris. Mãe adotiva, que estava com seus três filhos (o bebê e seus dois irmãos e irmã com idades entre 5 e 7 anos) em seu apartamento no segundo piso do edifício teria sido chamada sobre o intercomunicador para recuperar uma parcela no guardian.

Enquanto ela desceu, uma mulher de origem africana bateu na sua porta. Quando as crianças têm aberto para ele, ela aproveitou a criança que estava dormindo em uma couffin antes de fugir. A investigação foi confiada a protecção de menores da Brigada da polícia judiciária.

Os investigadores foram chamados a testemunha e uma extensa investigação do bairro ao redor do prédio onde ocorreu o sequestro. Fim do dia o abductor e a menina removidos permaneceu não rastreável.

"A menina foi pijamas de transportadora de cor verde e branco e brincos (bola de ouro)," indica a polícia judiciária. Solicita-se que qualquer pessoa a prestar informações entre em contato com o pessoal da direção do Paris Judicial polícia 24 horas por dia, 7 dias/7 a ou pelo e-mail pppj-drpjparis-contact@interieur.gouv.

Rimozione di allarme informazioni Parigi: non ancora nessuna notizia del neonato rapito

Rimozione di allarme informazioni Parigi: non ancora nessuna notizia del neonato rapito

Parigi: non ancora nessuna notizia del neonato rapito
24 Agosto 2011 da lagazettedeputeaux

Da: Benoit Hasse

Foto rilasciato dagli atti di polizia giudiziaria di Parigi del avviso rimozione del neonato 24 giorni vecchio che è stato rapito il 23 agosto 2011 a casa dei suoi genitori, nel XX arrondissement di Parigi approfittando di una breve assenza della madre. | AFP/polizia

Una ragazza piccola 3 settimane fu rapita da un ignoto martedì mattina intorno a 10:30 p.m., in un edificio sociale del XX arrondissement di Parigi. Madre adottiva, che era con i suoi tre figli (il bambino e sua due fratelli e la sorella di età compresa tra 5 e 7 anni) nel loro appartamento al secondo piano dell'edificio sarebbe stata chiamata sopra l'interfono per recuperare un pacco del Guardian.

Mentre lei è venuto giù, una donna di origine africana ha bussato alla sua porta. Quando i bambini hanno aperto a lui, ha sequestrato il bambino che stava dormendo in un couffin prima di fuggire. L'inchiesta è stata affidata a tutela dei minori della Brigata di polizia giudiziaria.

Gli investigatori sono stati chiamati a testimone e un'indagine ampia del quartiere intorno all'edificio in cui si svolse il rapimento. Fine della giornata il rapitore e la ragazza rimosso rimase non rintracciabili.

"La bambina era pigiami di vettore di colore verde e bianco e orecchini (pallone d'oro)," indica la polizia giudiziaria. Qualsiasi persona di fornire informazioni è pregato di contattare il personale della direzione del Paris polizia giudiziaria 24 ore, 7 giorni/7 presso il o da mail pppj-drpjparis-contact@interieur.gouv.

Eliminación de alerta info Paris: todavía no hay noticias del niño secuestrado

Eliminación de alerta info Paris: todavía no hay noticias del niño secuestrado

París: todavía no hay noticias del niño secuestrado
24 De agosto de 2011 por lagazettedeputeaux

Por: Benoit Hasse

Foto publicada por los procedimientos de policía judicial de París de alerta Desmontaje del bebé 24 días de edad, quien fue secuestrado el 23 de agosto de 2011 en la casa de sus padres, en el distrito 20 de París, aprovechando las ventajas de una breve ausencia de la madre. | AFP/policía

Una niña pequeña 3 semanas fue secuestrada por un desconocido la mañana del martes alrededor de 22:30, en un edificio social del distrito XX de París. Madre adoptiva que estaba con sus tres hijos (el bebé y sus dos hermanos y hermana de 5 y 7 años) en su apartamento en el segundo piso del edificio habría sido llamada por el intercomunicador para recuperar una parcela en el guardian.

Mientras ella se vino, una mujer de origen africano tocó a su puerta. Cuando los niños tienen abierto a él, ella tomó al bebé que estaba durmiendo en una couffin antes de escapar. La investigación fue confiada a la protección de los menores de la Brigada de policía judicial.

Los investigadores fueron llamados a testigos y una extensa investigación de vecindad alrededor del edificio donde ocurrió el secuestro. Final de la jornada que eliminan el secuestrador y la niña permaneció ilocalizable.

"La niña fue pijamas portadora de color verde y blanco y aretes (balón de oro)," indica que la policía judicial. Cualquier persona que proporcione información se pide al contacto con el personal de la dirección de la 24 de Policía Judicial de París horas, 7 días/7 en el o por mail pppj-drpjparis-contact@interieur.gouv.

Info Entfernen der Warnungen Paris: noch keine Neuigkeiten über das Kind entführt

Info Entfernen der Warnungen Paris: noch keine Neuigkeiten über das Kind entführt

Paris: noch keine Neuigkeiten über das Kind entführt
24. August 2011 von lagazettedeputeaux

Von: Benoit Hasse

Foto von Paris Kriminalpolizei Proceedings of Entfernen der Warnungen des Säuglings 24 Tage alt, die am 23. August 2011 in der Wohnung seiner Eltern, im 20. Arrondissement von Paris unter Ausnutzung einer kurzen Abwesenheit der Mutter entführt wurde veröffentlicht. | AFP/Polizei

Ein kleines Mädchen war 3 Wochen von einem unbekannten Dienstag Morgen um 22:30, in einem sozialen Gebäude das 20th arrondissement von Paris entführt. Pflegemutter, die mit ihren drei Kindern (das Kind und seine zwei Brüder und Schwester im Alter von 5 bis 7 Jahren) in ihrer Wohnung im zweiten Stock des Gebäudes wurde würde über die Intercom abzurufenden eine Parzelle im Guardian aufgerufen wurden.

Während sie fiel, eine Frau afrikanischen Ursprungs an seine Tür klopfte. Wenn Kinder offen für ihn haben, ergriff sie das Kind, die vor der Flucht in ein Couffin schlief. Die Untersuchung wurde der Kriminalpolizei Brigade der Jugendschutz anvertraut.

Ermittler wurden aufgerufen, um Zeuge und eine umfangreiche Untersuchung der Gegend rund um das Gebäude, wo die Entführung stattgefunden hat. Ende des Tages der Entführer und das Mädchen entfernt blieb nicht mehr auffindbar.

"Das kleine Mädchen Träger Pyjama von grünen und weißen Farbe und Ohrringe (Goldener Ball), war" gibt die Kriminalpolizei. Jede Person Informationen angefordert wird, an das Personal der Richtung der Paris justizielle Polizei 24 Stunden, 7 Tage/7, die oder per mail pppj-drpjparis-contact@interieur.gouv.

Info alert removal Paris: still no news of the infant kidnapped

Info alert removal Paris: still no news of the infant kidnapped

Paris: still no news of the infant kidnapped
August 24, 2011 by lagazettedeputeaux

By: Benoit Hasse

Photo released by the Paris judicial police proceedings of alert removal of the 24 days old infant who was abducted on August 23, 2011 at the home of his parents, in the 20th arrondissement of Paris by taking advantage of a brief absence of the mother. | AFP/Police

A small girl 3 weeks was abducted by an unknown Tuesday morning around 10: 30 p.m., in a social building of the 20th arrondissement of Paris. Foster mother who was with her three children (the baby and his two brothers and sister aged 5 and 7 years) in their apartment on the 2nd floor of the building would have been called over the intercom to retrieve a parcel in the guardian.

While she came down, a woman of African origin knocked on his door. When children have open to him, she seized the infant who was sleeping in a couffin before escaping. The investigation was entrusted to the protection of minors of the judicial police brigade.

Investigators were called to witness and an extensive investigation of neighbourhood around the building where the abduction took place. End of the day the abductor and the girl removed remained untraceable.

"The little girl was carrier pyjamas of green and white color and earrings (Golden Ball)," indicates the judicial police. Any person to provide information is requested to contact the staff of the Direction of the Paris Judicial Police 24 hours, 7 days/7 at the or by mail pppj-drpjparis-contact@interieur.gouv.

info alerte enlevement Paris : toujours aucune nouvelle du nourrisson enlevé

info alerte enlevement Paris : toujours aucune nouvelle du nourrisson enlevé
Paris : toujours aucune nouvelle du nourrisson enlevé
août 24, 2011 par lagazettedeputeaux

Par : Benoit Hasse

Photo diffusée par la police judiciaire de Paris dans le cadre d’une procédure d’Alerte Enlèvement du nourrisson âgé de 24 jours qui a été enlevé le 23 août 2011 au domicile de ses parents, dans le XXème arrondissement de Paris en profitant d’une brève absence de la mère de famille. | AFP/Police

Une petite fille âgée de 3 semaines a été enlevée par une inconnue ce mardi matin vers 10h30, dans un immeuble social du XXe arrondissement de Paris. La mère de famille qui se trouvait avec ses trois enfants (le bébé et ses deux frères et soeur agés de 5 et 7 ans) dans leur appartement au 2e étage de l’immeuble aurait été appelée à l’interphone pour récupérer un colis chez la gardienne.

Pendant qu’elle descendait, une femme d’origine africaine a frappé à sa porte. Quand les enfants lui ont ouvert, elle s’est emparée du nourrisson qui dormait dans un couffin avant de prendre la fuite. L’enquête a été confiée à la brigade de protection des mineurs de la police judiciaire.

Les enquêteurs ont lancé un appel à témoin ainsi qu’une vaste enquête de voisinage autour du bâtiment où l’enlèvement a eu lieu. En fin de journée la ravisseuse et la fillette enlevée restaient introuvables.

«La petite fille était porteuse d’un pyjama de couleur verte et blanche et de boucles d’oreilles (boules dorées)», indique la police judiciaire. Toute personne susceptible de fournir des renseignements est priée de contacter l’Etat-major de la Direction de la Police Judiciaire de Paris 24h/24, 7 jours/7 au ou par mail pppj-drpjparis-contact@interieur.gouv.

The term slug backpack, did and not spoofed in France.

The most serious is that Nanterre or the Court of appeal of Versailles are more outside the law, but the thugs to Justice. Actually in a text published by the CG of the 92, they give money to these judges. A magistrate affects about 2 500,00 EUR per month. Plus a premium of the State of an amount of 1 500, 00 EUR plus the CG which gives them a premium for 500.00 euros to 10,000 euros per children. 92, Is a State within a State, which is out of the Justice in General in the 92 loi.la, is a paradox of an arbitrary Justice errors accumulated extremely serious, or everyone to know and to work with. The evidence is in the 92 the CG is pasted at the Palace of Justice, which is just behind, and that they will all the same canteen. Now we do have faith when the European Court, we will pull together for this call that lagging for more than 6 months.


mardi 23 août 2011

Paris : appel à témoin après l'enlèvement d'un nourrisson

Paris : appel à témoin après l'enlèvement d'un nourrisson
lagazettedeputeaux | août 23, 2011 at 9:40 | Catégories : Alerte enfants disparus, Uncategorized | URL : http://wp.me/pSNpf-4O0

Une petite fille âgée de 3 semaines a été enlevée par une inconnue ce mardi matin vers 10h30, dans un immeuble social du XXe arrondissement de Paris. La mère de famille qui se trouvait avec ses trois enfants (le bébé et ses deux frères et soeur agés de 5 et 7 ans) dans leur appartement au 2e étage de l’immeuble aurait été appelée à l’interphone pour récupérer un colis chez la gardienne.

Pendant qu’elle descendait, une femme d’origine africaine a frappé à sa porte. Quand les enfants lui ont ouvert, elle s’est emparée du nourrisson qui dormait dans un couffin avant de prendre la fuite. L’enquête a été confiée à la brigade de protection des mineurs de la police judiciaire.

Les enquêteurs ont lancé un appel à témoin ainsi qu'une vaste enquête de voisinage autour du bâtiment où l’enlèvement a eu lieu. En fin de journée la ravisseuse et la fillette enlevée restaient introuvables.

«La petite fille était porteuse d’un pyjama de couleur verte et blanche et de boucles d’oreilles (boules dorées)», indique la police judiciaire. Toute personne susceptible de fournir des renseignements est priée de contacter l’Etat-major de la Direction de la Police Judiciaire de Paris 24h/24, 7 jours/7 au ou par mail pppj-drpjparis-contact@interieur.gouv.fr

Le Parisien

Paris : appel à témoin après l'enlèvement d'un nourrisson

Paris : appel à témoin après l'enlèvement d'un nourrisson
lagazettedeputeaux | août 23, 2011 at 9:40 | Catégories : Alerte enfants disparus, Uncategorized | URL : http://wp.me/pSNpf-4O0

Une petite fille âgée de 3 semaines a été enlevée par une inconnue ce mardi matin vers 10h30, dans un immeuble social du XXe arrondissement de Paris. La mère de famille qui se trouvait avec ses trois enfants (le bébé et ses deux frères et soeur agés de 5 et 7 ans) dans leur appartement au 2e étage de l’immeuble aurait été appelée à l’interphone pour récupérer un colis chez la gardienne.

Pendant qu’elle descendait, une femme d’origine africaine a frappé à sa porte. Quand les enfants lui ont ouvert, elle s’est emparée du nourrisson qui dormait dans un couffin avant de prendre la fuite. L’enquête a été confiée à la brigade de protection des mineurs de la police judiciaire.

Les enquêteurs ont lancé un appel à témoin ainsi qu'une vaste enquête de voisinage autour du bâtiment où l’enlèvement a eu lieu. En fin de journée la ravisseuse et la fillette enlevée restaient introuvables.

«La petite fille était porteuse d’un pyjama de couleur verte et blanche et de boucles d’oreilles (boules dorées)», indique la police judiciaire. Toute personne susceptible de fournir des renseignements est priée de contacter l’Etat-major de la Direction de la Police Judiciaire de Paris 24h/24, 7 jours/7 au ou par mail pppj-drpjparis-contact@interieur.gouv.fr

Le Parisien

vendredi 19 août 2011

A couple of Indian origin complaint for discrimination on caste in England

A couple of Indian origin complaint for discrimination on caste in England

This is a first in England. An English couple of Indian origin has filed a complaint with the labor against their former employer, of Indian origin, for discrimination to the caste. According to the two spouses, which met in the law firm where they worked, behavior of their superiors would have changed after their attempts to dissuade the young woman to marry her fiancé, lower class have failed.

The young bride, Amardeep Begraj, belongs to the caste of jats, caste landowners in the North of the India, while her husband Vijay is dalit ("untouchable"). The superiors of the couple, also from high castes, have seen a bad look what they regard as a mésalliance.

"He [a senior] has said that I should reconsider my decision to marry Vijay, because he was of a different caste", have told Amardeep, according tothe hinduquotidient. "The Vijay caste people are different creatures." "The marriage would be different because of dating". Another provocation, at the ceremony, one of their colleague would not have hesitated to offer a toast to the "young girls jats who fall into the Creek".

After the marriage began the harassment and harassment in the workplace. Last year, Vijay was dismissed after 7 years of good and loyal service. On the other hand Amardeep, overloaded with work and paid much less than his colleagues, eventually resigning in January.

The couple then decided to bring the case before the labor. The procedure is an echoed in community organizations, which argues for a long time that caste discrimination are recognized in the same way as those on the basis of race or sexual orientation, in a country where the Indian community is very important. The British Minister of the Interior, Theresa May, has indicated that it was closely following this case.

Human rights begin with the rights of the child".

"Human rights begin with the rights of the child".

My, 2011-05-30 20: 31- Kerry Thu., 30/05/2011 20: 31 - pm Kerry

See also See also

· China's adoption system worries Canadian mom System of adoption in China concerned Canadian MOM

· Duchess of York may face police quiz over undercover TV documentary highlighting the plight' of Turkish orphans The Duchess of York may be facing the police during the documentary quizz infiltration highlighting TV "sort" of Turkish orphans

· Manitoba government looking into adoption concerns Government of Manitoba to research on adoption issues

· The mounting tally: Another avenue for closed adoption Mount count: another way for the adoption of firm

· Bitter legacy of separation Bitter legacy of separation

· Bindoon Boys Town: The sad truth behind Britain's lost children Boys Bindoon City: The sad truth behind the lost children of Great Britain

· The orphans left behind The orphans left behind

· Rules are changing; programs are closing. Rules change, the programs are closing.

· US Still Suspects Fraud In Nepalese Orphanages Us still suspect fraud in Nepal orphanages

· Adoption treaty sets up double standard in US Adoption of the Treaty establishes the double standard in the United States

The head of the UNICEF mission in Ukraine speaks about the priorities of the state, the Soviet heritage and destroying stereotypes The head of the mission of UNICEF in Ukraine talks about the priorities of the State, the Soviet legacy and stereotypes destroy

By Oksana Mykoliuk By Oksana Mykoliuk

May 30, 2011. The Day 30 May 2011 / The day

Unfortunately, there are particularly entrenched problems linked to children's rights protection and child abuse in Ukraine. Unfortunately, it is especially entrenched problems related to the protection of the rights of children and ill-treatment of children in Ukraine. The state has to change the whole system, bring down stereotypes and cultivate humanity in people so that the younger generation doesn't suffer. The State must change throughout the system, to reduce stereotypes and cultivating humanity in people so that the younger generation does not suffer. Ukraine has only made its first steps toward eradicating child abuse, a problem that was hushed up for years. The Ukraine only took its first steps towards the eradication of the ill-treatment of children, a problem which was suppressed for years. On May 24-25 year international conference focusing on children's rights violations was held in Kyiv. On 24-25 May an International Conference on children's rights violations took place in Kiev. It was organized by UNICEF and the Council of Europe, together with the assistance of the Ukrainian government, and attended by nearly 200 foreign experts. It was organized by UNICEF and the Council of Europe, with the assistance of the Government of Ukraine, and in the presence of 200 foreign experts. Its title was "Child Abuse transition: From Separate Actions to Complex Strategies." the day before its opening the day interviewed the head of the UNICEF mission in Ukraine Yukie MOKUO. Its title was "" neutralization Child Abuse: from actions separated complex strategies. "". the day before its opening Day interviewed the head of the mission of UNICEF in Ukraine Yukie MOKUO.

Judging from the name of the conference, it will be focused on creating new approaches in governmental strategies, aimed at tracking cases of child abuse and preventing them? Judging by the name of the Conference, it will focus on the creation of new approaches in government strategies, to follow the cases of child abuse and prevention?

"The conference will address issues related to child abuse transition." "The Conference will address issues related to counter the abuse of children." When we talk about child abuse we have to know that it concerns not only physical punishment. When we talk about the abuse of children, we must know that it is not only the physical punishment. Of course, physical abuse also matters, but there are also issues connected to the child's social and emotional development. Of course, physical violence is also important, but there are also issues related to the social and emotional development of the child. Especially for children brought up in orphanages and unable to grow in a family environment. Especially for children raised in orphanages and unable to grow in a family environment. It's a burning issue in terms of social protection, not only in Ukraine but in other countries, too. It is a burning issue in terms of welfare, not only in Ukraine but in other countries, also. It's all about services provided to children and caring for them. It is all about the services offered to children and take care of them. We believe that the more children stay in orphanages, the more they are abused. We believe that more children are in orphanages, most they are ill-treated. We shouldn't, however, forget about the existence of child abuse at home, both physical and psychological. We must not, however, forget the existence of child at home, both physical and psychological abuse. Our society is also contaminated with such forms of child abuse as sexual exploitation, trafficking of children and child prostitution. Our society is also contaminated by such forms of abuse of children as sexual exploitation, trafficking in children and child prostitution. So, when talking about the conference we say that we try to embrace the issues related to child protection with a complex approach. Then, when we talk about the Conference, say us that we are trying to embrace the issues related to the protection of children with a complex approach. This event is of extreme importance for the Ukrainian government since Ukraine will preside over the Committee of Ministers in the Council of Europe from May to November this year. This event is of extreme importance for the Ukrainian Government since the Ukraine will chair the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe from May to November of this year. It's the first conference held within the framework of the Ukrainian presidency in the Council of Europe. This is the first Conference held in the Ukrainian presidency in the Council of Europe.

"UNICEF is glad that the Ukrainian government has prioritized the issue of children's rights protection." "UNICEF is pleased that the Ukrainian Government has given priority to the question of the protection of the rights of the child." The conference will be attended by nearly 200 experts from 23 countries of Western and Eastern Europe. The Conference will be followed by about 200 experts from 23 countries of Western and Eastern Europe. They account for half of the attendance; the other half is made up of government representatives. They represent half of the attendance, the other half is made up of representatives of the Government. We'll have the A mission (the representative of the Secretary General for Violence Against Children) and the CoE mission (the Deputy Secretary General). We have the mission of the United Nations (the representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children) and the mission of the CoE (Deputy General Secretary).

"The UNICEF regional director, supervising the 23 countries of this region, will be also present." "The Regional Director of UNICEF, the supervision of the 23 countries of this region, will be also present." I'd like to emphasize that Ukraine promised to make children's rights protection a priority during its presidency CoE. I wish to emphasize that the Ukraine has promised to make the protection of the rights of the child a priority during its Presidency of the WCC. We want to draw attention to these issues and we want the Ukrainian government to be ready to ratify international conventions. We want to draw attention to these issues and we want that the Government of Ukraine to be ready to ratify the international conventions. There's the European Convention No. 201 protecting children from sexual exploitation. It is the European Convention n ° 201 to protect children against sexual exploitation. There's also the Hague Convention on international adoption, which was not ratified by Ukraine. It is also the Hague Convention on intercountry adoption, which has not been ratified by the Ukraine. Both of them are being worked on by the corresponding parliamentary committees and I hope that the government will ratify them. Both are being developed by the corresponding committees of the Parliament and I hope that the Government will ratify them. "Then we will be able to say that the Ukrainian government is ready to make some steps." Then we will be able to say that the Government of Ukraine is ready to do some steps. "

Why do you think is it that we can't eradicate domestic and social abuse for so many years and how does the situation in Ukraine compared to Europe? Why do you think is it that we do not eradicate domestic and social violence for so many years and how the situation in Ukraine than in Europe?

"Unfortunately, child abuse exists all over the world. "Unfortunately, the ill-treatment of children are everywhere in the world." We might have an impression that abuse escalates as the media talk about it more and more. We have the impression that abuse degenerates that media speak more and more. However, we understand that the situation is quite the opposite. However, we understand that the situation is quite the contrary. Traditionally, family abuse has been hidden. Traditionally, family violence has been hidden. UNICEF concentrates on social awareness improvement not only in the family but also among teachers, doctors and social workers. UNICEF focuses on the improvement of social conscience, not only in the family, but also between the teachers, doctors and social workers. The more they know about the problem the better this problem will be dealt with. More they know about the problem of the best in this issue will be addressed. It's essential that society has its open eyes to identify cases of abuse and inform the corresponding service about them. It is essential that society has their eyes open to identify cases of abuse and to inform the services corresponding to their topic. The role of teachers, doctors, nurses and social workers that come into contact with children is crucial as they are able to see a child's problems and understand that a child is abused. The role of teachers, doctors, nurses and social workers who come into contact with children is crucial because they are able to see the problems of a child and understand that a child is ill-treated. In my opinion, Ukraine has made progress in this sphere. In my view, the Ukraine has made progress in this area. We have improved the report system and raised awareness. We have improved the system of report and awareness. However, it's not enough and I think that governmental institutions and society have to make efforts to resolve this complex of problems. However, it is not enough and I think that the governmental institutions and society must make efforts to resolve this complex of problems. The problem of child abuse is insufficiently covered in Ukrainian society compared to other European countries. The problem of maltreatment of children is not sufficiently covered in the Ukrainian society with other European countries. "Thus, Ukraine needs better mechanisms of reporting cases of child abuse. Thus, the Ukraine a need for better mechanisms for reporting cases of child abuse. "

What kind of mechanisms? What kind of mechanisms?

"The awareness of people working in governmental institutions, not only in the social sector, but in law enforcement agencies as well." "The taking of conscience of people working in government institutions not only in the social sector, but in the application of the laws and agencies." As for the legislative basis, there are some problems there. As the legislative basis, it ya some problems there. At present we're working on several amendments in the cooperation with the Verkhovna Rada. At present, we are working on several amendments to the cooperation with the Verkhovna Rada. The sexual exploitation of children and child prostitution are examples of this. The sexual exploitation of children and child prostitution are examples. We're talking about the children aged 16 to 18 that are at risk of child prostitution. We speak to children aged 16 to 18 who are at risk of prostitution of children. Currently, they have to pay a fine but their clients are not answerable. Currently, they must pay a fine, but customers are not responsible. The UN Convention includes an optional section on abuse, prostitution and sexual exploitation. The United Nations Convention contains an article on the option of abuse, prostitution and sexual exploitation. It provides that any adult engaging in a sexual act with a minor is fully answerable for this. It provides that any adult to engage in a sexual act with a minor is fully responsible for this. This norm doesn't exist in Ukraine. This standard does not exist in Ukraine. It's only an example. This is only an example. The law itself doesn't work. The Act itself does not work. We have to enforce the role of social assistance. We must strengthen the role of social assistance. For example, if a child is in an environment where they have to provide sexual services, we have to find a reason for this in their education and family. For example, if a child is in an environment where they provide sexual services, we must find a reason for this in their education and their families. This way we have to protect children not only through legislation but also through social assistance that will prevent them from doing such things. In this way, we protect children not only through legislation, but also by social assistance which will prevent to do such things. Here we address the question of the social security of Ukrainian families since a lot of them live in poverty, suffer form unemployment, and have members addicted to drugs and alcohol. We address here the question of social security since a large number of them Ukrainian families living in poverty, unemployment suffer form, and members addicted to drugs and alcohol. "of course, these problems affect their children." Of course, these issues affect their children. "

Child abuse is common in Ukraine's orphanages. Child abuse is common in the orphanages of the Ukraine. Are you going to cover this issue at the conference and what's the UNICEF's position? Are you going to deal with this issue at the Conference and what is the position of UNICEF?

"As for this system, we protect children's rights to grow strongly in families." "With respect to this system, it is strongly protect the rights of children to grow up in families." The problem of children raised outside of families is topical for many countries of the region. The problem of children reared outside the family is topical for many countries of the region. We can see that there are a lot of cases of child abuse in such institutions but we don't have exact numbers. We can see that there are many cases of ill-treatment of children in these institutions, but we don't have exact figures. We don't have exact statistics about how many children have been abused in this way or another. We have no accurate statistics on the number of children have been abused in this way or another. Examples abound but we don't have the exact statistics. Examples abound, but we do not have exact statistics. Once I was invited to Shuster's talk-show to discuss the topic of children living in orphanages. Once I was invited to Shuster talk show to discuss the issue of children living in orphanages. There were people there who grew up in such institutions but were successful in life. There were people there who have grown up in such institutions, but succeeded in life. So those people could have said something good about orphanages. Therefore, these people could have said something good orphanages. I was shocked that those people spoke about the abuse they experienced. I was shocked that people talked about the abuse they lived. Even successful people pay attention to the abuse they suffered from in orphanages. Even people who are attention the abuse they have suffered from in orphanages. So, we are aware of such cases, but we don't have any statistics. Therefore, we are aware of such cases, but we have no statistics. It can be easily explained. It can be easily explained. Let's look at foster families. Look at host families. How do they build relations between parents and children? How do build relationships between parents and children? They have to care about their children, love and protect them, but they also have to provide an environment where children will grow and develop social skills. They must take care of their children, love and protect them, but they also provide an environment where children can grow and develop social skills. An important role is attributed to social services, that have to help. An important role is allocated to social services, to help you. If we look at orphanages where children differ from our children a lot, they lose lots of opportunities for their development: not only in terms of social skills, but also in what regards cognitive and emotional ones. If we look at the orphanages where children are different from our children many things, they lost many opportunities for their development: not only in terms of skills, but also with respect to the cognitive and emotional. We need a powerful independent monitoring mechanism to be able to understand the level of abuse and violence in orphanages. We need a powerful independent monitoring mechanism to be able to understand the level of abuse and violence in orphanages. The former powerful Soviet social security system proved to be tenuous from the point of self-repayment, profitability and efficiency in the new Ukrainian reality. Former-powerful Soviet system of social security has proven to be a fine one from the point of the auto-remboursement, the cost-effectiveness and efficiency in the new Ukrainian reality. The social security system has to be reformed to be able to address modern challenges. The social security system must be reformed to meet modern challenges. "the institutions where children are [currently] kept are the heritage of the Soviet system, which has to be reformed." Institutions where children are [currently] kept are the heritage of the Soviet system, which must be reformed. "

Will the questions related to children's rights protection be resolved faster after the position of a children's ombudsman is introduced in Ukraine? Is that issues related to the protection of the rights of the child are settled more quickly after the position of defender of the children is introduced in Ukraine?

"we rightly praise Nina karpachova, who deals with questions related to human rights protection efficiently." "We just title praised Nina Karpatchova, which deals with issues related to the protection of human rights in an efficient manner." Of course, in her office there are people dealing with issues of children's rights protection, too. Of course, in his Office it people are concerned with issues of protection of the rights of children, also. We see the possibilities and potential to bolster the Ukrainian ombudsman's position to be able to better react to children's rights violations and to protect [the children]. We see opportunities and the potential to strengthen the position of the Ukrainian ombudsman to be able to better respond to the violations of the rights of the child and to protect [the children]. It's not about just dealing with individual issues. It is not simply the individual issues. I believe that the Ukrainian ombudsman can more actively participate in resolving problems with us, so as to be able to solve the systemic issues concerning child abuse, to reform the orphanage system and to replace it with alternative forms of family education. I believe that the Ukrainian ombudsman can participate more actively to solve the problems with us, in order to be able to resolve systemic issues related to child abuse, to reform the orphanage system and replace it with alternative forms of family education. We think that we're able to activate cooperation with the Ukrainian ombudsman. We believe that we are able to activate cooperation with the Ukrainian Ombudsman. Ideally, UNICEF is supporting the idea to delegate the children's rights protection issues to a children's ombudsman. Ideally, UNICEF supports the idea of delegating issues of children's rights protection to the ombudsman for children. However, it's closely related to the context of the country. However, it is closely related to the context of the country. Ukraine has to make its own decisions. The Ukraine has to make its own decisions. "The issue is to introduce a powerful mechanism of children's rights protection monitoring in the South of Ukraine." The issue is to introduce a powerful control mechanism of protection of the rights of children in the South of the Ukraine. "

What do you think about the transformation of the Ministry of Youth, Family and Sports into a Department at the Ministry of Education and Science? What do you think of the transformation of the Ministry of youth, family and Sports in a Department in the Ministry of Education and science?

"I've already expressed my opinion on behalf of UNICEF to the Ukrainian president and government." "I have already expressed my opinion on behalf of UNICEF for the Ukrainian President and the Government." I also spoke about it during a session of the Verkhovna Rada last December. I also spoke on this subject at a session of the Verkhovna Rada last December. Certainly, UNICEF respects the decision of the Ukrainian government as it represents a sovereign state. While UNICEF respects the decision of the Government of Ukraine, because it represents a sovereign State. UNICEF fully accepts this decision, aimed at transferring the functions of that ministry to the Ministry of Education. UNICEF fully accept this decision, to transfer the functions of this Department at the Ministry of education. However, we strongly recommend that during this reform the main functions concerning children's rights protection be preserved. However, we strongly recommend that the main functions concerning the protection of the rights of the child will be preserved in this reform. We know about the presidential decree issued a month ago, ordering to transfer to the Ministry of Social Policy the functions related to the protection of children, women and families. We know that the published presidential decree it about a month ago, ordering to transfer to the Ministry of social policy functions related to the protection of children, women and families. The government is still working on determining these functions' structure. "The Government is still working on the determination of the structure of these functions. Our organization will gladly cooperate with the Ukrainian government to perform those functions during the process of reform. Our Organization will be pleased to cooperate with the Government of Ukraine to perform these duties during the reform process. We have the Department for Adoption and Protection of Children and the Department for Family and Gender Policy. We are the Department for adoption and the protection of children and the Department of family policy and gender. Merging those two departments with the Ministry of Social Policy might be a good idea since one institution will perform all the functions. The merger of these two departments with the Ministry of social policy could be a good idea as an institution will perform all the functions. It might be an advantage. It might be an advantage.

"the next question is of a great importance." "The next question is of great importance." If a family experiences a difficult situation, it's unemployed, poor or a mother raises three children on her own, such a family needs to have social protection (consultancies, legal assistance, etc.), and financial support as well. If a family living a difficult situation, unemployment, poor or a mother raised three children on his own, such family has need of social protection (Council, legal assistance, etc), and financial support as well. Such families in crisis should receive the whole 'assistance package.' These families in crisis should receive "" program assistance."" All "If such families aren't can't sufficiently protected they risk becoming anti-social, which can lead to child abuse. If these families are not sufficiently protected, they may become antisocial, which can lead to abuse of children. "

Don 't you think that in half a year, when Ukraine's presidency in the EC finishes, the Ukrainian government will lose interest in children's rights? Do you think step in half a year, when the Presidency of the Ukraine in this, the Ukrainian Government finishes will lose interest in the rights of the child?

"I hope that the Ukrainian government will assume specific obligations in front of the international community as you have the best opportunity to demonstrate the changes in the sphere of human and children's rights protection." "I hope that the Ukrainian Government will assume specific obligations from the international community as you have the best opportunity to demonstrate the changes in the sphere of human and children's rights protection." I've been working here for two years now and I see that you have good resources and an educated society. I'm working here for two years now and I see that you have good resources and educated society. I don't think that the Ukrainian government will do a foolish thing and miss this opportunity. I do not think that the Ukrainian Government will do something stupid and miss this opportunity. It's a real chance for Ukraine to show its strong points. It is a real chance for the Ukraine to show its strengths. However, work has to be done not only at a governmental level. However, the work must be done not only at Government level. It has to develop into specific government obligations to pursue this or that policy. It has to develop into government specific obligations to continue the policy of this or that. This will cause certain budget expenditures directed at the protection of children. This will cause some budgetary expenditures aimed at the protection of children. UNICEF is ready to provide its technical help any time. UNICEF is ready to provide technical assistance at any time. "I hope that we'll cooperate in future as well." I hope that we will cooperate in the future as well. "

Average: Average:

0 0

· child abuse child abuse

· abuse in residential care abuse in residential care

· abuse prevention abuse prevention

· Government the Government

· Hague Convention The Hague Convention

· institutional care institutional care

· international adoption international adoption

· orphanages orphanages

· rights of children children's rights

· sexual exploitation sexual exploitation

· social workers social workers

· The Convention on the Rights of the Child The Convention on the rights of the child

· Ukraine The Ukraine


dimanche 14 août 2011

The children, the new target of psychiatrists.

The children, the new target of psychiatrists.

Data French and international press review:

-"In France, it is estimated that 3.5 to 5% of children suffer from hyperactivity" Science and the future, August 2004

-"Children on antidepressants have 1.89 times more likely to become suicidal" study of the FDA announced in 20' the 25.08.04

-"France only 5000 children would be treated for hyperactivity" section of
Parisien May 26, 2004

-"In France, it would count 40 000 people, including a very large majority of children, followed by for this disorder and remains subject to caution among specialists." 29.03.04, Gilbert Charles article Express

-"Ritalin consumption, medication to reduce agitation and deficits in attention, dual now almost every two years in France".

"Some 10,000 boxes of Ritalin and were issued in 1995." In 1998, 35 755 boxes have been sold; in 2000: 62 214; in 2002 118 324. The figures for 2003 are not yet available. "But in the unanimous opinion of health care professionals, they can only translate a new rise." Le Figaro of the 19.02.04

-"According to INSERM, one in eight children suffers from a mental disorder, but it is often overlooked." The general practitioner of the 9.01.04

-Report Cléry Melin Kovess made public in October 2003: "The Mission recommends furthermore substantially increase capacity of hospitalization in child psychiatry." "It calls for vigilance on the mental health of children in recommending that the screening of psychiatric disorders included in all the reviews that they receive." The world of the 7.10.03

-12% of children 6 years already received psychotropic treatment.

-"At the age of 3 months, 7 infants on 100 have already received sleeping pills or sedation." "In the 9th month, 16% use regularly" Magazine MOM March 2003, according to the book "Raising baby" by Marcel Rufo and Christine Schilte

-14% of 16-year-old girls take psychotropic drugs. This figure is 10 per cent for boys. (February 27, 2003)

-A collective expertise of INSERM made public on 6 February 2003 estimates that approximately 12.5% of adolescents and children in France (or one of 8) have at least a mental disorder.
Anxiety disorders are more common with a prevalence of 5% (fear of an object or fear of contact with others), followed by the mood (major depressive) disorder. The hyperactive (agitation relentless, attention deficit) are 2%, 1% bulimia and autistic 0.27%.

"It is the detection of these disorders is done more efficiently in France, because often it detects too late." However, even if effective medicines do not often exist, good support helps mitigate the mental suffering of the child and his parents. "We recommend strengthening the medical examination on the book of health in the second year, to better detect mental disorders", explains Daniel Bailly. The Parisian February 7, 2003
More than 4% of boys and 3.5 per cent of girls of less than 9 years had already taken of psychotropic drugs in the year 2000. In 2000, more than 6000 children and adolescents were under depression medications. Source: survey of health insurance in 2003

In France, 17% of students in the 6th to the Terminal took psychotropic drugs in the past year, according to a study by the CNAM in 1993

vendredi 12 août 2011

The infernal triangle of Bermuda of the child protection (385)

The infernal triangle of Bermuda of the child protection (385)

Of necessity, without truly major legislative reforms, and thus without great debate political, social and judicial protection of children's action framework turns in depth, although not necessarily.

Woe to the children at the heart of the infernal triangle of the protection of the child established by ESA (jurisdiction for general advice), PJJ (State responsibility) and the voluntary sector!

We know the terms of the debate, but it is not unnecessary to call them.

Child welfare is concerned about children in danger with mission to mobilize parenting skills to put an end to this situation. She spends EUR 5 billion to about 450,000 children in addition to some 600 million euros of the PMI. It intervenes at the request of the parents - talking about administrative protection - or to respond to an order of the courts for children when it is necessary to appeal to the judicial constraint. A delinquent child is often a child in danger and, contrary to what many believe, ESA has legal authority to take charge of the children who were able to commit crimes. If they are actually enrolled in the crime, it will be rather the PJJ to intervene.

General advice found that approximately 80% heavy measures, such as "investments" are practiced by judicial order. The cost is high and is watching closely is therefore the State through its judges who undertake these expenses even though often originally there is a report of the General Council which advocates as inevitable as.

On the other hand the PJJ, drawing the consequences of singularly inadequate resources despite the big effort 98-2000, received the order of the Department of justice focus on juvenile delinquency and cut the branches that go beyond and are often expensive: exit the financing of measures for young adults from 18-21 years seeking protection for the judges to children on the basis of the Decree of 1975; "" exit the educational measures ordered by the judges of children through educational assistance procedures where it is to "help" of the parents to exercise their responsibilities to avoid children switch in delinquency. The PJJ may only exercise (or finance) of the measures of investigation to help the judge decide.

Without that Act was amended the judge may therefore more that mandate the ASE and the network of associations authorized to support a child in danger. Little by little - implied objective - it loses the possibility of tailor-made and build the appropriate response to the young. Tailor-made going to social industrial manufacture! Inadequate approach to children and parents who just have not supported the prior social standards.

Finally, a strong and apparently powerful associative sector works both for general advice for justice through security clearance issued by the PJJ. These are some 3000 social institutions, of many family placement services services expressed open concern for children who live in their home. Without this power sector public service mission "child protection" would not. The d role this not even market sector is irreplaceable, including for the benefit of delinquent children knowing that the public sector of the PJJ remains very close.

But this colossus with feet of clay: it is almost totally dependent on public funding. He receives no subsidies, but invoice its benefits. And the client (ESA and PJJ) is all the more King that the own funds of associations are almost zero. If the PJJ closes the valve of the financing of social surveys, restricted the use of the investigations of educational guidance (IOE), or refuses to fund the major youth measures assumes the associative sector the financial hole may be widening rapidly. for even if the Department holds back on the day prices or slow to settle its debts, the agios will accumulate and undermine these original social enterprise management.

Woe so young which leaves take in the triangle.

Take - the case is not school - Tunisian boy abandoned by his mother in France a few years ago. An uncle was to deal with him. but this young man is struggling to cope with this responsibility as the young regimbe before that his family made him live and the abandonment of which he is the victim. Uncle part settle in the province and announces that he will not be able to do more. The young force to "shit" on stilts in the places otherwise outside when he fugue is objectively from ESA. Brief, child in danger, he became also formally offender because objectively he commits crimes.

All logically before this young moving too much from other foreign children isolated but simply to its population base, the social ide child request to be relieved of his skills. Yet to see the sadness of this young since 15 days sleeping on the streets, it has to do to a child in danger if I am not wrong!

Mandated to deal with the young offender through a measure of an open environment (probation) the PJJ informed his troops that it cannot make a burden physically or spaces in numbers, but especially the young is not sufficiently offender! Should therefore he kills or violates that it hosts it?

The requested sector is rather reserved. Slightly more than 17 years old, isolated foreign minor but speaking French, will arrive on to regularise his administrative position? Probably need to go well beyond the 18 years for not only the regulate, but ensure its inclusion in France training and psychological support. But beyond pay ders 18 years. The PJJ refuse support, unless the young person is sentenced by a court as criminal. Conclusion that even the young must remain delinquent. ESA will certainly refuse to devote himself to many young people that it hosts for which it has not completed its work at the age of 18. Good sense for the administrative sector is therefore refuse to embark on the adventure. The trap closes on the young.

The logic that develops today, insidiously, is Machiavellian. It leads to abandon the children in danger that justify precisely that it combines forces to help.

Therefore, to get out of this triangle of social exclusion that a link yields. Social assistance to childhood with its mission fitted to the body that knows how to build niche of manoeuvres beyond the injunction policy to save money, and this still frequently! Or even a young who managed to be even a little delinquent or is later tried for acts committed as a minor to the point where judge force the hand to the PJJ, and this can happen. Finally the Salvation can come from the voluntary sector which is the part of fire and has his good works but remains convinced that there can be some things that the two administrations of State or departmental will not be able to do!

In this case, in the case that I have dealt, it is the associative link which has ceded and open requested triangle was to service... to the judge.

How many times it can renew itself? We take care, number of young non-inserted major socially are today left delivered to themselves and now at 17 years of large adolescents are abandoned. These young people are in danger, the company is not protected and professionals get discouraged.

It is time that the policy re-surfaced social policy and creates a dynamic synergy to the different parts of the device. In truth this did st in a pan to surrender but to different pan to co-operate among themselves to build a response to the young person enrols on the duration. Inégrer rather than exclude. It is possible.

PS: To be more complete I often change my triangle into quadrangle with an another pan "handicap-Psychiatry". There you are you would have totally lost totally morale!

Cet article est une petite merveille de « comment faire passe une information bidon pour un résultat scientifique ».

« Une équipe de l’INSERM suggère… ah bon ! Maintenant il suffit de suggérer. Ne pensez-vous pas que s’ils avaient de vraies données ils se contenteraient de « suggérer » ? Ils affirmeraient haut et fort, mais non, ils suggèrent.
Tout est du même tenant. Ils ont confronté 13 études parues entre 2000 et 2009 et portant sur des dizaines de milliers de patients… ah oui ! quelles études ? Quels sont les résultats ? De cela pas un mot et ils voudraient que nous les croyons.
Par contre le fait que 1% de la population soit concerné par un nouveau médicament qui doit être déjà fabriqué et qui n’attend que de sortir ça je pense franchement que c’est vrai.
Voilà comment les psychiatres aident les fabricants pharmaceutiques à boucher le trou financier que le retrait mérité de produits dangereux leur ont causés.
Messieurs, si vous avez plus de 35 ans faites un nœud à votre sexe sinon vous allez engendrer des schizophrènes et si cela n’était pas suffisant je suis sûr qu’ils pourraient descendre l’âge fatidique à 30 ans… ou 25 pourquoi pas !

J’oubliais le meilleur. En fin de page nous apprenons que « Les chercheurs du Pôle de Psychiatrie du Groupe Hospitalier Chenevier-Mondor, Inserm unité 955″ pensent que… wouhaaaa! ça c’est de la recherche ou je ne m’y connais pas.

Ils nous prennent vraiment pour des idiots ces gens-là !

Le Webmaster

Une équipe de l’Inserm* suggère que le risque d’être atteint de schizophrénie augmenterait en fonction de l’âge du père au moment de la conception.

Avoir un père âgé de plus de 35 ans au moment de la conception augmenterait les risques d’être atteint de schizophrénie. C’est l’Inserm qui vient de publier ce résultat dans la revue spécialisée L’Encéphale après avoir confronté 13 études parues entre 2000 et 2009 et portant sur des dizaines de milliers de patients. Le professeur Franck Schürhoff de l’Inserm affirme que toutes les études analysées confirment que l’âge du père au moment de la procréation influe sur le risque pour l’enfant d’être atteint de trouble mental et notamment de schizophrénie. « À partir de 35 ans, le risque est multiplié par deux, puis augmente de façon linéaire avec l’âge. Au-delà de 50 ans, il est multiplié par quatre ». La schizophrénie apparaît généralement entre 15 et 25 ans. Elle concerne 1% de la population et se traduit par des idées délirantes, une dislocation de la vie psychique, une perte de contact avec la réalité, des troubles affectifs, des pensées incohérentes et un retrait social.

Une implication masculine

Ce résultat serait propre à l’âge du père et ne se retrouverait pas chez les mères. Les chercheurs du Pôle de Psychiatrie du Groupe Hospitalier Chenevier-Mondor, Inserm unité 955, pensent que « l’apparition de mutations au moment de la spermatogenèse paraît la plus crédible. À 20 ans, les spermatogonies, précurseurs des spermatozoïdes ont subi 200 divisions chez l’homme et 600 à 40 ans. En comparaison, les cellules germinales des femmes ne subissent que 24 divisions pendant la vie fœtale. » Voilà qui expliquerait pourquoi les femmes n’auraient pas cette influence. L’équipe du Pr Schürhoff souhaite à présent étudier l’évolution des cas de schizophrénies ayant des pères âgés

This article is a small wonder of "how to pass a phony information for a scientific result.

"A team of the INSERM suggère… ah good! Now it is sufficient to suggest. Do you not think that if they had real data they would simply "suggest"? They would argue loudly, but not, they suggest.
Everything is of the same holding. They have confronted 13 studies published between 2000 and 2009 and involving tens of thousands of patients… ah yes! What studies? What are the results? This not a Word, and they want that we believe.
On the other hand the fact that 1% of the population is affected by a new drug that must be already made and waiting to get it out I think frankly it's true.
This is how psychiatrists help pharmaceutical manufacturers in the financial hole that earned withdrawal of dangerous products have caused them.
Gentlemen, if you have more than 35 years made a node to your sex if you lead with schizophrenia and if this were not enough I am sure that they could get off the fateful age to 30 years… or 25 why not!

I forgot the best. End page we learn that "researchers of the pole of Psychiatry at the hospital Chenevier - Mondor, Inserm unit 955″ group think that… wouhaaaa!" It is the research or I do I know not.

They really take us for fools these people!

The Webmaster

A team of the Inserm * suggests that the risk of schizophrenia would increase with the age of the father at design time.

Have an old father more of 35 years at the time of the design would increase the risk of schizophrenia. It is the Inserm comes to publish this result in the specialized journal the brain after confronted 13 studies published between 2000 and 2009 and involving tens of thousands of patients. Professor Franck Schürhoff INSERM says that all the studies reviewed confirm that the father at the reproductive age influences the risk for the child to be reached of mental disorders, including schizophrenia. "From 35 years of age, the risk is multiplied by two, and then increases linearly with age." "Beyond of 50 years, it is multiplied by four". Schizophrenia usually appears between the ages of 15 and 25. It is 1% of the population and reflected in delusions, a dislocation of psychic life, loss of touch with reality, emotional, incoherent thoughts and social withdrawal.

Male involvement

This result would own at the age of the father and would not be mothers. Researchers of the pole of Psychiatry at the hospital Chenevier - Mondor, Inserm unit 955 group, believe that "the appearance of mutations during spermatogenesis appears the most credible." At age 20, spermatogonia, precursor sperm have undergone 200 divisions in man and 600 in 40 years. In comparison, the germ cells of women undergo that 24 divisions during fetal life. "This would explain why women would not have this influence. Pr Schürhoff team now wants to study the evolution of the cases of schizophrenia with older fathers

jeudi 11 août 2011

The losers of the social services of the children's aid

The losers of the social services of the children's aid

The logic of the market

It is often slandering of the logic of the market in denouncing the unbridled race for the benefit of capitalist entrepreneurs.

No altruism, no solidarity on the part of entrepreneurs if it is to display good feelings sellers to trim more still in market share.

The most abject selfishness which replaces the heart by the cash drawer you shocked, but it will answer you: "be well live", and who are we to blame other Travers if humans? As so goes the world, and pure disinterestedness does not exist on this earth.

Indeed what a drama so appalling that our behaviour is mu mainly by the care that our interests? Are we that Bill Gates has become multi-milliardaire? We complain we that inventors a little toqués have allowed unscrupulous us phones, disk drives, TVs, lava-linens and other also unnecessary object whose humanity is provided for millennia?

The answer is obviously no, each fortune would not have been possible without the satisfaction of our needs by making available more or less onerous for their manufactured products

EH Yes, blissful in the altercomprenants, the logic of the market is more often in the presence both the offeror and the applicant agree on a transaction as long as it allows them to satisfy their interest. It lies there in what is called a positive sum game that is a win-win sharing. This is obvious because who would accept to freely conclude a transaction that would not in its interests?

The logic of the State

The case gets more complicated when, for good feelings, social services, justice, public or other pretexts more or less barmy State mixes to our happiness, finally more exactly some happiness. The first beneficiaries of the intervention of the State first are those representing: policies, and then those who live: officials. The things are then paid by the population to make increasingly public services which the indispensability uncertain cannot doubt for public opinion, which is the sine qua non-continuation and development of public services.

However we we there come in a market logic, no additional value is created. We are not dealing with a positive-sum game, but at best to a situation where that one can gain others lose, in other words a sum game it zero. Taxation is necessary so that the population can be forced to deal with services which it would be diverted on a free market.

The conditions for the development of public services

The game of the State and its class of officials is to legitimize public services. Why should exaggerate the success seen by the population and to reduce the cost in public opinion. Any State superstructure is mobilized in this goal, national education, falsely independent media, the judiciary, political parties, trade unions condition quite roughly the population to the acceptance of imposed public abuse, but especially in their development by an indictment of the alternative logic of market.

An iconic public service: help the children

An example, almost caricature of this public harm is the children's aid. There are four parties that are the taxpayer population that forms little or no public opinion, policies, social workers and families.

Who wins this game? Certainly social workers, families elles, for false abuse are broken as many parents as children; taxpayers they provide more resources and privileges to workers whose powers extend to the splitformsize individual freedoms and contrary to the principle of subsidiarity. What is lost there is is calculated not only financially but in terms of fundamental freedoms, which is gaining is not only a budget but illegitimate powers granting privileges to a class of officials support the regime of the nanny state.

We think we in public a sum game logic zero, what some gain others lose. For this game is not denounced by one of the parties lose, he must give everyone the impression to take advantage of this maltreatment. Realities must be hidden and in propaganda social workers play at bottom the image of generosity on the one hand against the institution of the family suspected source of abuse, on the other hand for social cases really abusive but victims of a society not yet totally degenerated.

Left policies benefit from the development of the social sector the children where they find their strongest support.

Right policies play a similar game for the same reason of extension of public prerogatives, with still a desire to promote other services that are less hostile, such as those related to the maintenance of order. In the social sector, they do not have free rein to close unions of the extreme left that they do not want to get too far back. Therefore, they do not hesitate to paint in the direction of the hair and sometimes by a willingness to change of image, right promotes the sector in seeking to build an image of sensitivity in the opinion.

The game stops it must be that public opinion is informed on the smearing of social services to children, but also aware of the true cost in not only financial terms but also in terms of freedom. Put in his place these services therefore encrypt their true cost, the privileges of their agents and also loss of powers of the institution of the family as well as under subjection of the population resulting extension in the public domain in a sector of the intimate

mercredi 10 août 2011

واحدة من أكبر غارة CG مصدر من إدارة السين دي المرتفعات

واحدة من هذه الغارة أكبر من الإدارة

واحدة من أكبر غارة CG مصدر من إدارة السين دي المرتفعات

لعام 2010 المجلس العام للمرتفعات-دي-السين إلى المكرسة لوكالة الفضاء الأوروبية:

480.17 مليون يورو للمنازل إلى أحرف الاجتماعي (الإيسا المنازل) في الأسر المضيفة، لتمويل عمو

إزالة الأطفال 8631,909 في دائرة 92 + 3 568 اﻷطفال وضع مباشرة من قبل وكالة الفضاء الأوروبية.




För år 2010 allmänna rådets Hauts - de - Seine till ägnas ESA:

480.17 miljoner Euro för hus till sociala tecken (ens hem) i värdfamiljer, att finansiera AEMO

8631,909 barn bort i departementet av 92 + 3 568 barn placeras direkt av ESA.




На 2010 год Совет управляющих О - де - Сена для посвященных ЕКА:

480.17 миллион Евро для домов до социальной символов (ЕКА домов) в принимающих семьях, для финансирования AEMO

8631,909 детей удалить в Отделе 92 + 3 568 детей непосредственно размещенным ЕКА.




Para o ano 2010 o Conselho geral de Hauts - de - Seine para dedicada à SEC:

480.17 milhões Euros para as casas para caracteres sociais (casas ESA) em casas de famílias, para financiar a AEMO

8631,909 crianças remover o departamento da 92 + crianças de 3 568 colocado diretamente pela ESA.




For året 2010 generelle råd Hauts - de - Seine til viet til ESA:

480.17 millioner EUR for hus til sosiale tegn (ESA boliger) i vertsfamilier, for å finansiere AEMO

8631,909 barn fjerne i Department of the 92 + 3 568 barn plassert direkte av ESA.




Per l'anno 2010 del Consiglio generale della Hauts - de - Seine a dedicato all'ESA:

480.17 milioni Euro per le case a caratteri sociali (case ESA) in famiglie ospitanti, per finanziare la AEMO

8631,909 bambini rimuovere il dipartimento di 92 + 3 568 bambini posizionato direttamente dall'ESA.




Για το έτος 2010 το Γενικό Συμβούλιο της το Hauts - de - Seine να διατεθεί για ΕΣΟΛ:

480.17 εκατομμύρια ΕΥΡΏ για τα σπίτια σε κοινωνική χαρακτήρες (ΕΣΟΛ σπίτια) στις φιλοξενούσες οικογένειες, για τη χρηματοδότηση της AEMO

8631,909 παιδιά καταργήσετε στο Υπουργείο του 92 + παιδιά 3 568 διατίθενται άμεσα από το ΕΣΟΛ.



Para el año 2010 el Consejo General de los Hauts - de - Seine a dedicado a ESA:

480.17 millones Euros para las viviendas sociales caracteres (hogares ESA) en familias de acogida, para financiar la supervisada

8631,909 niños quitar en el departamento de la 92 + 3 568 niños colocados directamente por la ESA.




Für das Jahr 2010 gewidmet Generalrats Hauts - de - Seine, ESA:

480.17 Mio. EUR für die Häuser auf soziale Zeichen (ESA Häuser) in Gastfamilien, zur Finanzierung der AEMO

8631,909 Kinder entfernen an der Fakultät für die 92 + 3 568-Kinder platziert direkt von der ESA.

info Benjamin et de son fils Aureo (sefca puteaux solidaire du papa)

Cédric Fleurigeon http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=264268448591 Nous demandons à tous pendant une journée, le samedi 30 janvier 2010 de changer la photo de votre profil par celle de Benjamin et de son fils Aureo Il serait bon de voir fleurir cette photo sur la toile que se soit sur Facebook, MySpace, MSN ainsi que sur tous les méd